Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We have been enjoying some time with Jeff before his deployment. He has been able to take the girls to the pool and even watched them at swim lessons. He spent a little time finishing his scuba lessons. We bought a crib and got it put together in case the little one comes before he gets home. Amelia is very excited and wants the crib in her room, but we told her she had to wait until the baby sleeps thru the night. A neighbor gave me some maternity clothes and a baby name book. Amelia loves to look thru the book and find names. She wants to name it "Ben10" or "Batman" if it is a boy (and no, those names were not in the book!). Madalyn is excited about the baby too, but not as much as Amelia! On Memorial Day, we went to the USS Missouri and the Pacific Aviation Museum. We spent the rest of the day relaxing!

On Friday, we have our first official OB appointment. If all goes as planned, Jeff will be there too and get to hear the baby's heartbeat!

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