Friday, January 30, 2009

You know you're a submariner's wife if...

I got this in my email today. I modified it a little bit :)

You know you're a submariner's wife if....

1. You use the words poopie suit, duty, head, cover, O dark thirty and field day in a non perverse way on a daily basis.

2. You lost count of the number of times you've been on board "The world's most powerful warship"

3. You've super glued, ironed on, or velcroed a patch onto a uniform.(or conned the local seamstress to make it right by tomorrow and she gets double the price)

4. You've lived in any or all of the following cities; Norfolk,Va Kingsland, GA, Groton, CT, Bangor, WA, Saratoga, NY.

5. You think day after duty is a special holiday.

6. You know the difference between a mini day, liberty after field day and fast cruise.

7. You're husband has ever uttered the words "I'm not at liberty to say".

8. You can pack a sea bag in under 10 minutes.

9. You know what a TLD, LES, and TVQ are, but you don't know what the letters stand for.

10. You've stood on the beach/pier despite snow, rain, or sand gnats to watch the boat pull in.

11. Anything less than 30 days doesn't really count as a patrol.

12. The other crew/division always get the better deal.

13. You know at least 10 guys you would consider friends of the family and yet you still don't know their first name.

14. You send emails religiously to a system you know is broken.

15. You expect an email everyday from a system you know is broken.

16. You've spent more months of your marriage apart than you have together.

17. You've actually grown to like sleeping alone despite the fact you know you are married and he will possibly share that bed 110 days of 365.

18. You use a phone tree.

19. You have your ombudsman's number programmed into your phone only because “something might happen and she is your only contact that can successfully reach the captain”

20. You know what "boat smell" is and like it!

21. You give him a kiss and a smile when you drop him off at the turn styles (and then cry the rest of the way home)

22. You know what it means when your child says “daddy has duty ..again?? and proceed to take all their frustrations out on you”.

23. You’re strong enough to say ‘No honey, go out in port , enjoy yourself, you deserve it" and patiently wait thru the 20 hour difference in time zones to tell him your child puked all over you during the 10 hr wait in the naval hospital emergency room.

24. You can honestly accept phone calls, snail mail and web-cams are purely a surface fleet luxury.

25. You’ve listened to a surface fleet wife say “it’s been 2 days and I haven’t heard anything from him” and you wanted to punch her.

26. You have asked the toilet “Why do you do this every time he leaves”(and the air conditioner, the garage door opener, and the dryer......etc.)

27. You check your email every 10 minutes by hitting the send and receive button convincing yourself it has to be the server.

28.You continue to miss and love the absent best friend and husband you know that endures the bare minimum of life’s luxuries to keep his family and this country safe.

29. You have accepted the fact that no one will ever understand the loneliness, pain and suffering your heart endures no matter how much they say “ I can imagine what it must feel like”

30. Your husband/mate keeps a watch that counts down his time until shore duty.

31. You spend a majority of the time answering “ I don’t know” to the following questions “when will he be home” Will you make it for the wedding” Can we book the hotel rooms for you now? ”Will you be here for the family reunion” “Will you make it to see us this year”??

32. You know the homecoming in a submariner’s life is the one thing that makes it justified. And for me, no matter how much I may curse the sight of that boat or hate the smell, when I see it coming up the river or smell my husband home from sea....there is nothing sweeter.

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